Sunday 24 April 2011

Quick Cash Writing - Freelance Writer Product Reviews

Many a freelance writer, just starting their career, has an obvious interest in how to write a book or how to write a novel because the rewards are often considerable. And if you can create that block busting best seller then your bank manager would probably be inviting you round for dinner at least twice a week!

But penning your masterpiece usually involves a considerable investment in time and energy. However, many an aspiring freelance writer needs to earn fairly quickly to pay the rent and the grocery bill. So any freelance writing jobs that can offer a quick cash return are certainly worth investigating.

And a penetrating examination of these markets can be found in Quick Cash Writing by professional writer, Nick Dawes.

Writing is something that Mr Dawes knows a great deal about. And in this 185 page book he presents detailed information on some of the lesser known, but lucrative, freelance writing opportunities available.

It is full of useful advice, tips and resources, and it allows the freelance writer to progress from fairly simple writing markets to those requiring more specific skills. But essentially this book is ideal for the freelance writer, beginner or otherwise, who is looking for freelance writing markets that can offer a quick cash turnaround.

The author describes a range of different types of writing that can produce a quick result, for example, fillers and readers' letters. There are also sections on how to write for greetings cards, selling photographs, articles, reviews, comedy, TV and movie ideas. Each area is dealt with in sufficient depth to enable you to make a start and useful site resources are included at the end of each section so that you can immediately submit your work for consideration.

Throughout the book there is also useful general advice for freelance writers on setting goals, making time to write and how to exploit the lucrative overseas markets. And with the purchase you also receive some genuinely useful bonuses to help you with your freelance writing.

Personally, I found it to be of excellent value for the price. This is a recommended buy for the aspiring and experienced freelance writer.