Thursday 19 May 2011

How To Write A Job Transfer Request

If you've ever wondered how to write a job transfer request then the following should help you.

The important thing to remember is that, like writing a resume, you need to sell yourself. Don't be frightened to realistically blow your own trumpet. Being ambitious is no sin and most employers will welcome applications from existing employees who feel that they want to progress their careers. But like most things, there is a right and a wrong way to go about it.

Firstly, you need to state clearly just why you want a job transfer.

Be honest but not critical of your current superior or certain existing procedures within your organisation. If you are applying for an internal vacancy that has arisen then state clearly why you believe that you are the perfect person for that job.

Emphasise your strengths, experience and abilities. Be relevant, positive and persuasive. It's also a good move to inform your current boss that you intend to apply for this new job. This really is a business courtesy and indicates that you have an open attitude to the situation.

If you are considering a new position because of a more personal reason, e.g. a close relative is ill and you need to work at a more local company office/plant, then a slightly different approach is needed.

Again be honest about your situation. Provide the appropriate information but also assure your employer that you still wish to continue your career with them. Point out your experience, abilities and achievements to date. And always remember that the main advantage you have over an external applicant for any vacant position within your company is that you are already fully familiar with the company, its personnel and its objectives. This 'inside' information is worth a great deal and should not be overlooked.

In both situations, try to be complementary with regard to the progress of the company to date and how you believe that you can contribute towards its future success. Make some genuine comments that you truly believe. Follow this up with a commitment to train and help the person who will be appointed to your 'old' position should your transfer request be granted.

Obviously your request should be well written in formal, business language but try to inject some of your own personality to make it individual. And always check it for errors before it is submitted.

If you want some professional help with writing your job transfer request or, in fact, any other types of business letter, then I'd recommend a visit to 'Instant Business Letter Kit.' They offer more than 127 professional templates that you can download and start using immediately and you also get some very useful bonuses too. You'll find the link in the Write Easy Special resources column.

I sincerely hope this helps you on the subject of ‘How To Write A Job Transfer Request' and good luck with your career.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

How To Write An Obituary

This article is all about how to write an obituary.

You should be aware that the term 'death notice' is also used but there is a difference between an obituary and a death notice.

Quite simply, an obituary is a basic announcement that a person has died. It will contain the essential information abut that individual and the funeral arrangements. A death notice will also contain this basic information but it will, in addition, describe the person's past life in more detail.

Writing an obituary or a death notice is not an easy task. Thinking about the deceased can create emotional turmoil and it can be difficult to be objective. Get help from family members if you can. Many newspapers can also provide an obituary form. You would then complete this with the necessary basic information and the newspaper staff will create the obituary for you.

If you intend to write a death notice then, as well as the necessary basic information, you can provide details of the deceased's background, their profession, achievements and interests. Again, if possible, ask other family members to get involved and share your contributions. It's possible that friends can also help as they may have had previous experience of how to write an obituary.

A death notice should have details of the funeral arrangements so that people can pay their respects. When completed the death notice can then be placed with the newspaper or periodical of your choice. If the deceased had lived in other parts of the country then you may wish to place the death notice in a newspaper covering that area so that past friends can be informed.

A death notice will usually be more costly than an obituary simply because it requires more space on the page. A photograph of the deceased is often included with a death notice and this tends to enhance its personal nature.

An obituary or a death notice is a very personal tribute to the deceased. But it should also inform so that those interested are aware of all the funeral arrangements.

I hope this helps you in the difficult task of how to write an obituary.

How To Write An Obituary

This article is all about how to write an obituary.

You should be aware that the term 'death notice' is also used but there is a difference between an obituary and a death notice.

Quite simply, an obituary is a basic announcement that a person has died. It will contain the essential information about that individual and the funeral arrangements. A death notice will also contain this basic information but it will, in addition, describe the person's past life in more detail.

Writing an obituary or a death notice is not an easy task. Thinking about the deceased can create emotional turmoil and it can be difficult to be objective. Get help from family members if you can. Many newspapers can also provide an obituary form. You would then complete this with the necessary basic information and the newspaper staff will create the obituary for you.

If you intend to write a death notice then, as well as the necessary basic information, you can provide details of the deceased's background, their profession, achievements and interests. Again, if possible, ask other family members to get involved and share your contributions. It's possible that friends can also help as they may have had previous experience of how to write an obituary.

A death notice should have details of the funeral arrangements so that people can pay their respects. When completed the death notice can then be place with the newspaper or periodical of your choice. If the deceased had lived in other parts of the country then you may wish to place the death notice in a newspaper covering that area so that past friends can be informed.

A death notice will usually be more costly than an obituary simply because it requires more space on the page. A photograph of the deceased is often included with a death notice and this tends to enhance its personal nature.

An obituary or a death notice is a very personal tribute to the deceased. But it should also inform so that those interested are aware of all the funeral arrangements.

I hope this helps you in the difficult task of how to write an obituary.

Friday 13 May 2011

How To Write A Resume

This article is all about how to write a resume.

Let’s imagine that you’ve just seen the ideal job and you WANT it, so a powerful, persuasive, professional resume is required. It’s time to put pen to paper. So what’s the best way to approach it?

Now, I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who works in the HR department of an international engineering company. Part of his job is to look through the many resumes they receive on a daily basis. They can quickly stack up on his desk and he has to make the important decision of who to call in for interview. He’s a busy guy so he can’t spend too much time on this task.

I asked him what makes a particular resume smack him in the face and which ones get selected from his pile and why?

Then he said something that really shocked me. He confided that most employers are looking for excuses to toss your resume in the waste paper bin. And that’s simply because they get so many and they just don’t have the time to study them all. And it can also be very boring.

So they focus on those that make an immediate impression. And that usually means that the applicant who emphasises the important, relevant and impressive information related to the position for which they are applying will move on to the next stage. And these people have basically managed to ‘sell themselves’ on paper.

Many make the mistake of regurgitating the usual facts about their school days, college attended, club memberships and what they did in their last job and hope that it will be enough. Not so I’m afraid. It’s vital to create a relevant well written resume that will make you stand out from all the rest of the hopefuls.

And your masterpiece needs to be carefully crafted to relate 100% to the position you are applying for. So you need to carefully study the job description and fine tune your resume to suit as best you can. What you should be aiming for is to make the new company say, “Wow, this guy (gal) is exactly what we are looking for.”

Now if all this seems a little daunting and you think you might struggle writing that perfect resume then do not despair.

I have often used a rather clever piece of software that creates a professional resume in just minutes. You just put in your information and let it do the rest.

If you think this will be useful then you can find the link under ‘Write Easy Special Resources.’

Whatever way you decide to produce your resume just make sure that you sell yourself with confidence, be relevant, positive and different.

I hope this helps you on the topic of ‘How To Write A Resume.’

How To Write Easy - Product Review

Info PR: 3 I: 7,680,000 L: 0 I: 11,219,140 L: 0 LD: 209,744,292 I: 563,000Rank: 5 Age: October 12, 1999 I: 0 whoissourceRobo: yesSitemap: no Rank: 1875 Price: 802722 Density
This is not perhaps a product review as such but more of an appreciation of an old favourite site of mine. Many use it but, in my view, don't fully appreciate its potential.

I often find myself pondering over a particular writing problem. It may be something technical or sometimes I am just looking for ideas for my next 'How To Write' project.

If you do get stuck then may I suggest you do a quick search on Amazon.

You can use this site in so many different ways. Sure you can make purchases - plenty of bargains too - but I also find it extremely useful for research and finding out about those 'hot products' everyone is raving about. And I find it a powerful tool for those occasional 'brainstorming' sessions I get involved with.

Everyone knows about this great site but it is definitely underrated in my opinion.

And to hell with it, I'm gonna put their search box here.

Have one on me!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

How To Write A Dirty Letter

For the romantics out there, it might be a good idea to look away now!

What I want to show you is how to write a dirty letter – a sexy, raunchy letter (not strictly a love letter perhaps) to that special someone in your life.

The number one rule is ‘sincerity.’ You have to really mean what you say. No half hearted sentiments please. You must summon up the courage to say it like it is. Be really honest about what you feel and what you want and use the appropriate language.

And if you’re struggling for ideas on what to actually write then just use this little trick. Think of the last time you shared an intimate moment and describe in graphic detail what you enjoyed most about your love making. Let your imagination roam, have fun and don’t hold back!

The next most important element is to write your dirty letter in your own handwriting. Don’t type it, email it or text it. Find some attractive, quality notepaper and take the time to write it out longhand. If you wish use a fountain pen to add that extra touch of quality and intimacy.

With your letter complete, full of those passionate explicit terms that you know will drive your partner mad with desire, you can add the finishing touches to your dirty letter.

Ladies, find the sexiest lipstick you own, apply generously and then cover your letter with those big, fat kisses. You can also add a subtle hint of your favourite fragrance, that unique perfume that immediately announces your presence.

And finally, for the adventurous amongst you, include a rather naughty, erotic photograph of yourself. Dust off your digital camera, choose a particularly sexy pose (something that you know will appeal to your partner) and click away. Then print them off and post them with your letter.

If you follow these steps then your partner will definitely pounce on you the next time you meet!

I hope this helps you on the topic of ‘How To Write A Dirty Letter.’

Monday 9 May 2011

How To Write - Need Help?

How to Write Easy - offers advice and guidance on how to write just about any type of writing you can imagine - e.g. how to write a resume, a job transfer request, a business plan, a cover letter, an obituary or how to write that sexy (dirty) letter to that special someone in your life!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Quick Cash Writing - Freelance Writer Product Reviews

Many a freelance writer, just starting their career, has an obvious interest in how to write a book or how to write a novel because the rewards are often considerable. And if you can create that block busting best seller then your bank manager would probably be inviting you round for dinner at least twice a week!

But penning your masterpiece usually involves a considerable investment in time and energy. However, many an aspiring freelance writer needs to earn fairly quickly to pay the rent and the grocery bill. So any freelance writing jobs that can offer a quick cash return are certainly worth investigating.

And a penetrating examination of these markets can be found in Quick Cash Writing by professional writer, Nick Dawes.

Writing is something that Mr Dawes knows a great deal about. And in this 185 page book he presents detailed information on some of the lesser known, but lucrative, freelance writing opportunities available.

It is full of useful advice, tips and resources, and it allows the freelance writer to progress from fairly simple writing markets to those requiring more specific skills. But essentially this book is ideal for the freelance writer, beginner or otherwise, who is looking for freelance writing markets that can offer a quick cash turnaround.

The author describes a range of different types of writing that can produce a quick result, for example, fillers and readers' letters. There are also sections on how to write for greetings cards, selling photographs, articles, reviews, comedy, TV and movie ideas. Each area is dealt with in sufficient depth to enable you to make a start and useful site resources are included at the end of each section so that you can immediately submit your work for consideration.

Throughout the book there is also useful general advice for freelance writers on setting goals, making time to write and how to exploit the lucrative overseas markets. And with the purchase you also receive some genuinely useful bonuses to help you with your freelance writing.

Personally, I found it to be of excellent value for the price. This is a recommended buy for the aspiring and experienced freelance writer.